
The Bitcoin Scaling Problem In A Nutshell (Explained Really Simply – So That Anyone Can Understand It)

The size of the entire Bitcoin blockchain grows at a pace of approximately one additional megabyte of data (known as a block) every ten minutes (and has done since it began way back in 2009) — making it (so far) approximately 500GB in size (so half a terabyte, i.e. 0.5TB). The 1MB block size allows […]


If Bitcoin Had Been Able To Match Visa’s Transactions Per Second From The Start, What Would One Bitcoin Be Worth Now?

There’s this question I keep coming back to: “If Bitcoin had been able to match Visa’s transactions per second from the start, what would its value be now, today?” Bitcoin can handle about 7 transactions per second. For comparison, Visa can handle somewhere in the region of up to about 25,000 transactions per second. Clearly […]


How Did Satoshi Nakamoto Originally Intend To Scale Bitcoin? Some Evidence…

Whilst going through hundreds of emails and forum posts written by Satoshi Nakamoto (all of which are documented for posterity at the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute), one particular correspondance I came across stopped me in my tracks. Why? Because it — an email written by Satoshi himself no less — talks about scaling Bitcoin (a topic […]