gold quotations

Andrew Craig on Gold ETFs

“A concern I always had with precious metals ETFs, is that there is about fifty times as much theoretical gold in the world as physical gold.” -Andrew Craig, in the book ‘How to Own The World’.

Bitcoin quotations

Satoshi Nakamoto Explaining How Proof Of Work Solves The Byzantine Generals Problem (In An Email To James A. Donald)

Have you ever wondered how proof of work (the mechanism by which new blocks are added to Bitcoin – a.k.a ‘mining’) solves the Byzantine Generals Problem? Well, who better to try to explain this than the creator of Bitcoin himself: Satoshi Nakamoto. Interestingly, everything Satoshi Nakamoto wrote is recorded for posterity on a website called […]

Bitcoin quotations

Top Thirty Five Best Satoshi Nakamoto Quotes on Bitcoin

There’s a lot to appreciate looking back at all the various things Satoshi Nakamoto (the creator of Bitcoin) wrote in emails, mailing lists, and forums (and boy did he write quite a bit). If you happen to already understand Bitcoin you’ll quickly see some of the early-thinking-brilliance of Satoshi in many of the below quotes, […]

Bitcoin quotations

Top Ten Best Andreas Antonopolous Quotes on Bitcoin, Crypto and Blockchain

“Can you define ‘blockchain’? I think a few people in this room could define blockchain, but the real challenge would be can you define ‘blockchain’ in such a way that I can’t do search and replace with the word ‘database’ and still make that sentence work.” -Andreas Antonopolous, in the YouTube video ‘Blockchain vs. Bullshit: […]